Anti-Slavery Week 2021

18th October: What is modern-slavery?

If you’ve been a customer of Indigo Valley for many years or maybe only a few days, you’ll already know that we strive to be more than just an ethical coffee company. We want to go the extra mile in every aspect of our business.

Helping make Indigo Valley be the best coffee around, we rely on hundreds of coffee producers across the world who grow, harvest, process and export the delicious coffee beans to us here in the UK. Most coffee farms are located in remote locations in extremely rural regions and require tons of hard work. This is one of the reasons we only roast certified Fairtrade and Rainforest Alliance coffees; helping to ensure fair, safe and sustainable livelihoods for farmers and producers. Like many parts of the world and in our own society, when the right systems are not in place it means that sadly some individuals face suffering from exploitation and modern-day slavery.

We want to help raise awareness that exploitation is still happening today and that we will not stand for it in our industry or anywhere else in society!

October 18th is Anti-slavery Day, the start of Anti-slavery week 2021. This week we will be using our blog to share about Hope For Justice as well as their incredible work in fighting against exploitation, rescuing victims, restoring lives and reforming our society.

What is Modern-day Slavery?

Modern slavery is happening all around us, around the world and on our normal-looking streets. But what exactly is it, who does it impact, what are the signs and how can we take action?

Modern slavery is where one person controls another by exploiting a vulnerability. It is often linked with human trafficking, where a person is forced into a service against their will – usually forced work or prostitution. The control can be physical, financial or psychological.

Types of human trafficking

Forced Labour

Forced labour is work done under the threat of a penalty such as violence or harm to family.

Domestic Servitude

A person is forced to provide services with the obligation to live on or in a property without the possibility of changing those circumstances.

Sexual Exploitation

A person trafficked for sex may be controlled by violence, threats, substance abuse, deception or grooming, with extreme physical or psychological domination.

Organ Harvesting

A person who is trafficked and specifically chosen for the harvesting of organs or tissues, such as kidneys, liver etc. without consent, to be sold.

Spot the signs

Victims are often hidden away, but it is possible you will encounter individuals or situations of concern. Knowing how to ‘spot the signs’ could save lives.

Understanding the indicators to human trafficking can save lives. Find out more about all the signs that someone might be in trouble here.

Take action

Hope for Justice has loads of helpful ways of supporting their mission to tackle modern-slavery. Here are some of the ways you can get involved:

– Become a Guardian

– Volunteer with Hope for Justice

– Pledge your birthday

– Fundraise

– Book a speaker for event/training

– Protect your business with the Slav-Free Alliance

– Donate

– Follow their mission and share their posts

Download and share this flyer for spotting the signs of modern-slavery: Click Here

Hope for Justice: Thecla’s Story

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