
A Coffee Grower Profile

ACODIHUE, Guatemala

The Asociación de Cooperación al Desarrollo Integral de Huehuetenango (ACODIHUE) is a certified Fairtrade coffee cooperative founded in 1996 and is located in the Cuchumatanes Mountains of Huehuetenango, Guatemala.


ACIDUHUE is primarily a coffee-producing organisation, made up of 20 local agricultural associations, overseen by a board of directors which is elected at the organisation’s annual assembly. 

The unique climate and chalky soils of Huehuetenango, are ideal for the production of high-quality arabica coffee. In addition to coffee, members of ACODIHUE also produce honey, potatoes and hibiscus tea, all of which are marketed under the “La Meseta” brand label. ACODIHUE, through sales to local and international markets, hopes to continue to provide services and technical assistance to producers that will keep product quality at competitive levels in addition to developing social and economic programmes that benefit farmers, their families and the community.

ACODIHUE’s objectives are to:
– Provide support to farmers to meet the volume and quality requirements that the market is looking for
– Empower the associations to become strong businesses
– Facilitate marketing to create new business
– Financially support its members to expand
– Lead and support farm and forest protection programmes
– Improve access to services generally for the community

“Our members are very happy because their product is sold at a good price. We hope ACODIHUE in the future continues to sell more coffee so everyone can profit.”

Bonifacio Velasquez de Adienil

Coffee production

ACODIHUE coffee comes from 71% of indigenous women coffee producers, which grows in the mountainous territory of Cuchumatanes, Huehuetenango, with an average altitude of 1,500 meters (4,920 feet) above sea level. The coffees are carefully grown which develops its special characteristics and premium quality through the traditional ways of processing: natural fermentation, manual selection and drying in the sun.

Benefits of Fairtrade

ACODIHUE has used Fairtrade Premium funds to establish health, education and nutrition programmes. 

Storage and Distribution Centre
ACODIHUE has used the Fairtrade Premium to part-fund the construction of a storage and distribution centre.

Water Conservation
The large amounts of water used in the coffee washing process are now treated in filtration and sedimentation tanks to prevent pollution of water sources. 

With the Fairtrade premium, ACODIHUE provided educational programmes and scholarships for members of the cooperative.  Equipment for 15 classrooms in local schools was donated by the organisation and training for teaching staff and school administrators were also provided.

To enjoy Guatemalan coffee with Indigo Valley, click HERE

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